

.tabdil word be powerpoint:

If you want to convert word files directly to power point you can use this method. If you are a Microsoft word 2007 user, use this method. Select the -word option from the Office menu at the top of the page. Then select customize. Select commands not in the ribbon from the select commands menu. Now go to send to Microsoft power point and click on add. Click Ok. The send to Microsoft power point bar appears in the quick access bar. You can then call the word file you want and convert it directly to Word by clicking on it. But if you are a Microsoft word 2010 user, use this method. Select Option from the file menu. Select the Quick access toolbar. Select Commands not in the ribbon from the menu

تاریخ بروز رسانی:   12 آبان 1398

Visit Count:   1


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دانشگاه علوم پزشکی بوشهر، بوشهر ، ایران
Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran